Paul Bouwer

Principal Software Engineer @ Microsoft

Paul Bouwer is a Software Engineer at Microsoft. He collaborates with customer and Azure engineering teams to drive impact for Microsoft's top global customers in the Azure and Kubernetes space. Paul is passionate about Service Meshes and Kubernetes. He tweets regularly at @pbouwer from destinations around the world, and his home in Brisbane, Australia.

talkDecoding the Service Mesh landscape

Everyone within the cloud native world seems to be talking about service meshes, and many companies are either already deploying them or are seriously testing the waters. Service meshes offer a number of amazing capabilities, but have you asked any of the following questions? When should you use them? What scenarios are they best suited for? When should you definitely not use them? Istio, Linkerd and Consul Connect are all players within the service mesh space. Which of them is best suited to the capabilities you actually require and how does each of them impact your performance profile? This talk will help you make sense of this landscape and best place you to make the appropriate decision for your environment.

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